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Facing the need to finance an ambitious development program, with a view to limit the increase of debt level, the Management Board of the Company recommends to suspend payment of dividend from the profit for years 2016, 2017 and 2018.

After that period, the Management Board of the Company intends to make a recommendation to the General Meeting of the Company of dividend payment for shareholders at the level of 40-50% of the consolidated net profit attributable to the equity holders adjusted by the value of impairment loss on property, plant and equipment and intangible fixed assets.

Each individual dividend payment will depend, in particular, on the Company’s overall indebtedness, expected capital expenditures and prospective acquisitions.

The dividend policy will be periodically verified by the Management Board of the Company.

Above policy change was adopted in May 2017 and PGE disclosed that information in current report no. 27/2017

On May 28, 2020 the Management Board of the Company decided on the recommendation not to pay dividend for 2019 to the PGE’s shareholders. The decision, in accordance with the dividend policy, was taken following the analysis of the overall indebtedness, expected capital expenditures and prospective acquisitions, as well as taking into account market uncertainty resulting from recession caused by the epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. PGE disclosed that information in current report no. 13/2020

On April 27, 2021 the Management Board of the Company decided on the recommendation not to pay dividend for 2020 to the PGE’s shareholders. Decision was taken in accordance with the dividend policy, particularly following the analysis of the Company’s indebtedness in the context of the implementation of the investment program, in line with the assumptions of the PGE Group’s Strategy until 2030 announced on October 19, 2020. PGE disclosed that information in current report no. 12/2021

On March 22, 2022 the Management Board decided on the recommendation not to pay dividend for 2021 to the PGE’s shareholders. Decision was taken in accordance with the dividend policy and is a result of analysis of Company’s indebtedness, expected capital expenditures and potential acquisitions (in line with the PGE Group’s Strategy until 2030 with 2050 perspective), in the context of current market volatility and uncertainty. PGE disclosed that information in current report no. 13/2022

On March 21, 2023 the Management Board decided on the recommendation not to pay dividend for 2022 to the PGE’s shareholders. Decision was taken in accordance with the dividend policy and is a result of analysis of Company’s indebtedness, expected capital expenditures and planned acquisitions (in line with the PGE Group’s Strategy until 2030 with 2050 perspective, including acquisition of 100% shares in PKPE Holding Sp. z o.o.), in the context of prolonged market volatility and uncertainty. PGE disclosed that information in current report no. 10/2023

On April 3, 2024 the Management Board decided on the recommendation not to pay dividend for 2023 to the PGE’s shareholders. Decision was taken in accordance with the dividend policy and is a result of analysis of total Company’s indebtedness and expected capital expenditures, in the context of lack of implementation of coal assets carve-out project and deteriorating operational conditions of the coal-fired power plants that are reflected in results of the impairment tests of property, plant and equipment in the Conventional Generation segment. PGE disclosed that information in current report no. 19/2024



Dividend from the profit for year 2015

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of June 28, 2016 adopted the resolution to allocate a part of Company's net profit for the financial year 2015 in amount of PLN 1,767,999,316.86 for dividend payment.

The dividend for shareholders amounts to PLN 0.25 per share.

As at the date of the OGM, the dividend applies to 1,869,760,829 shares and the total value of the dividend amounts to PLN 467,440,207.25.

The OGM determined September 23, 2016 as the dividend date and October 14, 2016 as the dividend payment date.

Dividend from the profit for year 2014

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of June 24, 2015 adopted the resolution to allocate a part of Company's net profit for the financial year 2014 in amount of PLN 5,452,949,990.10 for dividend payment.

The dividend for shareholders amounts to PLN 0.78 per share.

As at the date of the OGM, the dividend applies to 1,869,760,829 shares and the total value of the dividend amounts to PLN 1,458,413,446.62

The OGM determined September 24, 2015 as the dividend date and October 15, 2015 as the dividend payment date.

Dividend from the profit for year 2013

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of June 6, 2014 adopted the resolution to allocate a part of Company's net profit for the financial year 2013 in amount of PLN 2,337,559,286.34 for dividend payment.

The dividend for shareholders amounts to PLN 1.10 per share.

As at the date of the OGM, the dividend applies to 1,869,760,829 shares and the total value of the dividend amounts to PLN 2,056,736,911.90

The OGM determined September 5, 2014 as the dividend date and September 26, 2014 as the dividend payment date.

Dividend from the profit for year 2012

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of June 27, 2013 adopted the resolution to allocate Company's net profit for the financial year 2012 in amount of PLN 783,997,742.44 and part of reserve capital in amount of PLN 823,996,570.50 for dividend payment.

The dividend for shareholders amounts to PLN 0.86 per share.

As at the date of the OGM, the dividend applies to 1,869,760,829 shares and the total value of the dividend amounts to PLN 1,607,994,312.94.

The OGM determined September 5, 2013 as the dividend date and September 26, 2013 as the dividend payment date.

Dividend from the profit for year 2011

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company ("OGM") of May 30, 2012 adopted a resolution on distribution of net profit for 2011. According to the OGM resolution, the net profit for 2011 in amount of PLN 4,556,115,489.08 was distributed in a following way:

  1. for a dividend for shareholders - PLN 1.83 per share;
  2. for the reserve capital – an amount constituting the remaining amount of the net profit for 2011.

As at the date of OGM, the dividend applied to 1,869,760,829 shares and the total value of the dividend amounts to PLN 3,421,662,317.07. Shares, which were purchased by the Company for redemption, are excluded from dividend The OGM determined August 22, 2012 as the dividend date and September 6, 2012 as the dividend payment date.

Dividend from the profit for year 2010

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company (the "OGM") of June 29, 2011 adopted the resolution on distribution of net profit for 2010 and retained earnings, distributing a part of the profits for the dividend for shareholders (see current report no. 25/2011) According to the OGM resolution, the net profit for 2010 in amount of PLN 2,920,423,465.45 and retained earnings in amount of PLN 120,474,499.24 were distributed in a following way:

  1. for a dividend for shareholders - PLN 0.65 per share;
  2. for the reserve capital – an amount constituting the remaining amount of the net profit for 2010 and retained earnings.

As at the date of OGM, the dividend applied to 1,869,760,829 shares and the total value of the dividend amounts to PLN 1,215,344,538.85. Shares, which were purchased by the Company for redemption, are excluded from dividend. The OGM determined September 15, 2011 as the dividend date and September 30, 2011 as the dividend payment date.

Dividend from the profit for year 2009

The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company (the "OGM") of June 23, 2010 adopted the resolution on distribution of the Company's net profit for the financial year 2009 (see current report no. 32/2010). According to the OGM resolution the net profit in amount of PLN 1,440,497,736.84 was distributed in the following way:

  1. PLN 125,629,336.84 for the supplementary capital;
  2. PLN 1,314,868,400.00 zł for the dividend for shareholders.

The dividend applied to 1,730,090,000 series A and B shares and the dividend per share amounted to PLN 0.76. The OGM determined September 22, 2010 as the dividend date and October 12, 2010 as the dividend payment date.