Ordinary General Meeting of the company on June 29, 2021
The General Meeting was held on June 29, 2021 at 1:00 pm CEST in the building of Warsaw Stock Exchange, 4 Książeca St., Warsaw.
Announcement about convening of the GM
Draft of resolutions with appendixes and its justification
Content of the resolutions
Other files
Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board for the year 2020 [pdf 303 kB]
Consolidated financial statements of PGE Capital Group for 2020 [pdf 3 MB]
Report on non-financial data of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. and PGE Group for 2020 [pdf 4 MB]
Report of independent auditor on consolidated financial statements of PGE Capital Group for 2020 [pdf 207 kB]
Financial statements of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. for 2020 [pdf 2 MB]
Report of independent auditor on financial statements of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. for 2020 [pdf 190 kB]
Independent auditor report regarding the assessment of the remuneration report for 2019-2020 [pdf 615 kB]
Report on remuneration of the members of the Management Board nad Supervisory Board of PGE for 2019-2020 [pdf 2 MB]
Skonsolidowany raport roczny - pakiet w formacie xhtml zawierający skonsolidowane sprawozdanie finansowe Grupy Kapitałowej PGE za 2020 r., sprawozdanie biegłego rewidenta z badania skonsolidowanego sprawozdania finansowego, sprawozdanie Zarządu z działalności Grupy Kapitałowej PGE za rok 2020 oraz sprawozdanie na temat informacji niefinansowych Grupy Kapitałowej PGE za rok 2020 [pdf 3 MB]
Consolidated statement of payments to the public administration for 2020 [pdf 770 kB]
Report of the Supervisory Board on the evaluation of the Company situation in 2020 [pdf 591 kB]
Report of the Supervisory Board on the evaluation of standalone and consolidated financial statements of PGE for the year 2020, Management Board's report on activities in 2020 and report on non-financial information in 2020 [pdf 166 kB]
Resolution of the Supervisory Board regarding evaluation of the Management Board proposal of distribution of profit for 2020 [pdf 116 kB]
Resolution of the Supervisory Board with opinion on financial statements, Management Board's report on activities, report on non-financial information and report on PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.’s expenses concerning representation, legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management advisory services for 2020 [pdf 166 kB]
Report on PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. expenses concerning representation, legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management advisory services for 2020 [pdf 859 kB]
Resolution of the Management Board regarding distribution of profit for 2020 [pdf 446 kB]
Agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting convened for June 29, 2021 [pdf 531 kB]
Information on the total number of shares and votes - OGM June 29, 2021 [pdf 106 kB]
Proxy Form for the Ordinary General Meeting convened for June 29, 2021 [pdf 1 MB]
General Meetings