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Ms Elżbieta Niebisz

Member of the Supervisory Board

A graduate of the Warsaw School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw. Master's degree in Economics with many years of professional experience in state administration and on the managerial positions in companies of ZEPAK S.A. Capital Group.

She graduated from the Warsaw School of Planning and Statistics at the Faculty of Domestic Trade with a Master's degree in Economics and also completed postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics in "Development and Market Management in the Electric Power Industry". Lecturer and examiner at courses for candidates for supervisory board members in companies with State Treasury shareholding.

In years 1991-2005 at the Ministry of Ownership Transformations and the Ministry of the State Treasury she managed departments responsible for corporate governance of state-owned companies, including electric power sector as well as she coordinated first consolidation in the power sector (ENEA S.A., ENERGA S.A., ENION S.A. oraz EnergiaPRO S.A.). Director of the Licensing Department at the Energy Regulatory Office in years 1998-2001.

In years 2006-2019 she held managerial and supervisory positions in companies of ZEPAK S.A. Capital Group, including inter alia Vice-President of the Management Board of the power plant ZE PAK S.A. in Konin, Member of the Management Board of the lignite mines PAK KWB Konin S.A. and PAK KWB Adamów S.A.

In addition, she has served on the supervisory boards of companies including among others KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., PZU S.A, Polimex-Mostostal S.A., Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. 

According to the declaration submitted, Ms Elżbieta Niebisz meets the criteria for independence of a supervisory board member.