Robert Kowalski
Vice-President of the Management Board for Support and Development
The Supervisory Board of PGE adopted a resolution on appointment of Mr Robert Kowalski to the Management Board of the twelfth term of office as from May 15, 2024 and entrusting him the position of the Vice-President of the Management Board for Support and Development.
Mr Robert Kowalski is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology, majoring in Thermal Power Engineering, and the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology, majoring in Production Systems Organisation.
He also completed Postgraduate Studies in "District Heating and Heating with Energy Auditing" at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology and Postgraduate Studies in "Nuclear Power Engineering" at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. He has extensive experience in organisational management and coordination of commercial activities, including market development and leading investment processes.
For nearly 20 years he was responsible for the development of the Toruń heat market, where in the years 2004-2006 in EC Toruń (Toruń CHP plant) and later in years 2006-2012 in Cergia S.A. he held managerial positions, implementing the company's development strategy and was responsible, among others, for integration of the distributor and producer of heat, commercial area, marketing and customer service. In years 2012-2015, he coordinated the activities of the commercial directorates of the companies and branches of the EDF Polska Group, which became the basis for the creation of operating standards in the local heat markets. He also implemented models for sales planning and monitoring, marketing tools and evaluation of economic efficiency of product development. In years 2015-2023 as the President of the Management Board of PGE Toruń S.A. he coordinated and managed a project to build a new gas-fired CHP plant and prepared the organisation for a change in heat generation technology. After the successful transformation of heat and power generation technology in PGE Toruń S.A., he implemented projects to stabilise the company's position in the local market and created in Toruń one of the more energy- and cost-efficient district heating systems in Poland. He held the position of the Member of the Management Board of Apator S.A. and Strategy Director of the Apator Group and the President of the Management Board in Apator Powogaz. He held the position of the President of the Management Board of the Regional Energy and Environment Conservation Agency in Toruń and Member of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce Polish District Heating.