For the first time in ten years, a Polish representative has been elected to the board of the European Coal Combustion Products Association ECOBA. The new member is Lech Sekyra, President of the Management Board of PGE Ekoserwis, a company belonging to the PGE Group and involved in the management of by-products of combustion from the energy industry.
During the virtual meeting with suppliers on April 22, 2022 investors will present the progress of works related to the construction of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm with connection infrastructure to the transmission system, including the scope and plan of tenders planned in the near future, as well as milestones of the investmen
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna has published its non-financial statement for 2020 in an online format. It depicts PGE Group’s management approach to environmental, employee and social matters and respect for human rights. This is the first time that PGE Group has published its approach to climate risk.
Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna met with Paweł Szypulski, Programme Director of Greenpeace Polska. The meeting took place after the press conference organised by Greenpeace in front of the headquarters of PGE in Warsaw.
The net-zero emissions economy by 2050 requires significant investment effort, estimated at EUR 179-206 billion* for the power sector in Poland. Potential social and overall economic impact of the climate neutrality largely exceed that cost. The most vulnerable regions and sectors should not be left alone in facing this enormous challenge.
On behalf of all employees of the companies belonging to the PGE Capital Group, we would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the presidential plane crash in Smolensk, Russia of 10 April 2010. It is an unimaginable tragedy. A tragedy for all Poles.
PGE Elektrownia Opole SA has just completed the process of commissioning a flue gas denitrification plant installed on its coal-fired power generation unit. The first such installation in Poland's power generation sector, it will allow the Opole Power Plant to meet the EU requirements concerning nitrogen oxide emissions much ahead of the deadline of 31 December 2015.
W nawiązaniu do artykułów „Droga energia z atomu” oraz „Pieniądze są najwyższą barierą”, opublikowanych w wydaniu dziennika Rzeczpospolita z dnia 6 lipca 2009 roku, oświadczamy, że nieprawdą jest, że profesor Władysław Mielczarski wykonywał na zlecenie PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. analizę kosztów produkcji energii atomowej.
We need nuclear power for growth of the Polish economy. The atom is the energy of the future. For a couple of weeks, Gazeta Wyborcza has offered an interesting exchange of views on the idea of developing nuclear power in Poland.
EXPO is the largest international promotional and economic event. This year’s EXPO exhibition was hosted by the Spanish city of Zaragoza.
PGE joined the group of more than 3,000 companies and institutions from regions all over the world involved in the Global Compact project.